Ramazan T...., “ NULL “ attended the this education. 28-10-2024 17:14:17
Terms Of Use
All users can use www.webokul.com.tr Education System as an experiment. In this way, it is ensured that the user has knowledge about what the system is, which components of the service are composed and the operation of the system.
www.webokul.com.tr Users who have decided to purchase the Education System service have made trial use, understood the service offered and the components that make up this service and liked this product.
Shopping at www.webokul.com.tr is an action that is entirely within the awareness of the user.
www.webokul.com.tr may discontinue the service purchased by the user if he / she sees a violation of the rules / rules specified in any of the Articles of Use Agreement. www.webokul.com.tr has the right not to provide discontinued service. Therefore, cancellation or refund of purchased or stopped packages will not be made.
Warranty Conditions www.webokul.com.tr is strictly related to any loss of income or interest, compulsory break of work, loss of program or other data that may arise directly or indirectly from being a user of www.webokul.com.tr. can not be held responsible.
www.webokul.com.tr It is presented to the user in the form of the education system and does not guarantee that the aforementioned situations will not occur or that the contents are complete, accurate and useful. The www.webokul.com.tr Education System is also authorized to change, remove or add some or all of its content without being bound to anything.