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The Role Of School And Family In Career Planning


Considering that it is not easy for young people in high school to imagine and anticipate after 5 years, some of the guidance services in high school should be devoted to career planning. In addition, high school life is a difficult period in which adolescents question who they are because they involve adolescence, their perspectives on life can change constantly and emotional ups and downs are high. Therefore, career counseling should be carried out in a balanced way with guidance and counseling services. Not everyone may need psychological counseling, but everyone needs career counseling. Because the position of the person in life, and the meaning of self and life are shaped to a great extent by profession.


In the light of rapidly developing and changing science and technology, business life has also become more complex, and human and social needs have changed in this direction, leading to the emergence of new sectors, jobs and positions. In this continuously renewed structure, the need for career counseling increases further. At this point, families as well as school can play a role in informing their children. They can support their children's multi-faceted development, discovering themselves by participating in different sports, arts and social activities and projects in and out of school. They can also help define sectors and positions in the complex business world through their own business and family environments. It would be appropriate for families to be patient and supportive in this process and to try to direct their children in cooperation with the school. The importance of getting to know themselves and the career world from the first years of high school and not leaving the last moment where university preferences are made will support the more carefree, healthier and more accurate process of this process.
