Cem  Taner - Webokul Eğitmeni

Cem Taner

Software Developer

I graduated from the software engineering department of Yıldız Technical University. I have rebuilt my life with dropshipping and different e-commerce revenue sources for about 8 years.

With the question / answer section, I answer questions between 18:00 - 23:00 2 times a day. If I can find more time, I take care to devote more time.

You can send me a message, but the message box is not an instant messaging app, and sometimes the messages you send may fall into my inbox after 1-2 hours, so don't worry and please wait for the reply I will send to you.
I will definitely reply you within 1-2 days at the latest.

After progressing for a few hours in the course, you can share your experiences about the course in comments and help other students.